Hoffman, From rebel to rabbi: reclaiming Jesus and the making of modern Jewish culture, Stanford University Press, 2007, , p 259: "Mendelssohn was not the first to make such claims

من هو يسوع ؟

Image: An ancient mosaic of the face of Jesus Christ, Hagia Sophia Museum, Turkey.

السيد المسيح
Kessler, Edward; Wenborn, Neil 2005
من هو يسوع بحسب الكتاب المقدس؟‏ هل هو الله؟‏
page 16 states that modern scholarship views the theories of non-existence of Jesus as effectively refuted
يسوع المسيح من هو بالنسبة إليّ؟
Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics
Jacob Emden 1696-1776 , a leading figure of traditional Judaism in eighteenth-century Germany, also looked vary favorably on Jesus"; p Image: Jesus Christ Pantocrator, Coptic icon at St, Mina Monastery, Mariout, Egypt - Photograph by Michael Ghaly for St-Takla

من هو يسوع؟

Rishi Das, Shaunaka March 24, 2009.

Call of Hope
BBC Team February 8, 2005
Answering Islam
من هو يسوع المسيح؟
Adam Sutcliffe 10 November 2005
50: "Elijah Benamozegh 1823-1901 showed the resemblance between parables and ethical imperatives in the gospels and the Talmud, concluding that 'when Jesus spoke these words he was in no way abandoning Judaism'"; p A Political and Economic Dictionary of the Middle East
Jeffrey Rubenstein Rabbinic Stories The Classics of Western Spirituality New York: The Paulist Press, 2002• 22: "Mendelssohn depicts Jesus as a model rabbinical Jew

من هو يسوع ؟

Van Voorst, Robert E 2000.

من هو يسوع
Daniel Boyarin, Dying for God: Martyrdom and the Making of Christianity and Judaism Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999• The Origins of the Druze People and Religion: With Extracts from Their Sacred Writings
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من هو يسوع المسيح؟‏ هل هو الله ام ابن الله؟‏