Otherwise, the font samples below will only appear as static fonts You might get unpredictable, yet beautiful and somewhat amusing, rendering errors in Adobe software
In 2019, Google sponsored and extension and open-source release of the typeface Consultants for the project include Maria Doreuli Cyrillic , Irene Vlachou Greek , Borna Izadpanah Arabic , Khajag Apelian Armenian , and Meir Sadan Hebrew

العربية الفصحى

Pascal Zoghbi designed the Arabic components.

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It works well in browsers as far as we know
أبجد هوز حطي كلمن سعفص قرشت ثخذ ضظغ
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The Serif members of the larger Zarid series that also includes and counterparts The Hebrew extension was drawn by Oded Ezer and the by Gor Jihanian

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المقصود بأبجد هوز حطي كلمن
المقصود بأبجد هوز حطي كلمن
أبجد هوز حطي كلمن سعفص قرشت ثخذ ضظغ