Please accept our sincere condolences on your sad loss and bereavement
We know first hand how profound a loss it is when you realize that dear uncle Sadiq will no longer be there for all the events in your life In Deepest Sympathy, Yours Dr

عبارات رثاء ذكرى وفاة شخص عزيز

Our thoughts and prayers will be to our Lord Jesus Christ to let him rest in peace and to give all family the patience and support.

رثاء الاخ الميت
No doubt this sad event has been very disturbing for you all who cared for him
كلمات في رثاء المرحوم (الطيب فحل)
Uncle Sadiq was a great dad and we could see how much he loved you all and especially his grandchildren
كلمات رثاء للميت , افضل ما قيل في الرثاء
We can tell you though that the very best way to mark his passing is by filling your mind with all of the wonderful memories you have of happier times
May you have the strength to bear your great affliction We extend that we are deeply thinking and sharing it with you

كلمات رثاء للميت , افضل ما قيل في الرثاء


كلمات عزاء للميت
رثاء متوفي رثاء ميت , كلمه للمتوفى
في رثاء الشاعر الفلسطيني محمود درويش: حينما يبكي غصن الزيتون.....