Eiffel Forum Licence Version 2 Python Software Foundation License: PSFL• Licence CEA CNRS INRIA Logiciel Libre Version 2
Intel Open Source License: IOSL• Mozilla Public License Version 1

من رخص المصادر الحرة

Sun Industry Standards Source License: SISSL• Proffitt, Brian December 16, 2011.

بحث عن المصادر الحرة والمصادر المغلقة
World Wide Web Consortium W3C Software License• GNU Lesser General Public License: GNU LGPL• Apple Public Source Licenses: APSL• I consider licensing BusyBox under GPLv3 to be useless, unnecessary, overcomplicated, and confusing, and in addition to that it has actual downsides
بحث:انواع رخص المصادر الحرة والمغلقة
in Golden Gate University Law Review Volume 14, Issue 2, Article 3 by Jan L
رخص المصادر الحرة
Sleepycat Software Product License: SL• GNU Affero General Public License: GNU AGPL• Netscape Public License, Version 1
GNU General Public License: GNU GPL• Python License CNRI Python License : CNRIPL• 1 Useless: We're never dropping GPLv2 Don't invent a straw man argument please
Mozilla Public License Version 1 Netscape Public License, Version 1

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رخص المصادر الحرة
رخص المصادر الحرة
رخص المصادر الحرة

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بحث عن المصادر الحرة والمصادر المغلقة
من امثلة رخص المصادر الحرة
بحث:انواع رخص المصادر الحرة والمغلقة