The rise in brain disorders and mental illhealth is now receiving regular attention by the media Disorders of brain development result in a lifelong loss of brain capacity The work of the Institute is aimed at a better understanding of brain disorders and their prevention
In 2014 she was selected the AVICENNA award Laureate, as a successor to Professor Tony Buzan, given every year to those who present best practice in science, connecting East with West through science and knowledge There is no cure for a disorder during brain development

د. قائمة أقوى 100 امرأة عربية لعام 2015

A record that was never challenged before.

قصة نجاح الدكتورة مناهل ثابت و نصائحها للمرأة العربية
In a further two hours, in an epic feat of physical endurance and focused mental concentration, Dr Thabet scrutinised and corrected all 1307 Mind Maps in a mental power record that has never been created before
2020 بوابة العالم للعصر الحديث!// د. مناهل ثابت
د. قائمة أقوى 100 امرأة عربية لعام 2015
Thabet created a new World Record by correcting each mind map in less than 10 seconds
Dr Thabet was granted the honor of being Freeman of the City of London There has been a rise in mental ill-health especially amongst children
She also represents The Brain Trust Foundation as President of the MENA region, with one objective, which is to unlock and deploy the vast capacity of the human brain

مناهل ثابت.. سيدة يمنية تقهر التوحد لتتربع في موسوعة عباقرة العالم


مناهل ثابت ..الشمعة المضاءاة في ظلام اليمن الدامس
مناهل ثابت
د. قائمة أقوى 100 امرأة عربية لعام 2015