Why am I confused like this? Why am I confused like this? Someday time will reveal it to me Let's keep on going just like this Get me through, oh desire Land me on the shores of love My life is yours and my love is yours Adorn our steps, oh breeze Embrace us, oh stars, and take us away to be alone Cast us afar, oh love, cast us afar Promise not to ever hurt us, oh love Bring us closer together, don't push us apart And let us be happy with our loved ones And when desire takes control of us calm us down Let's keep on going just like this We were struck by love and fell asleep in its trap And only that which has ensnared us can set us free My darling, you're on my mind Oh boy, you're on my mind
Someday time will reveal it to me Let's keep on going just like this Get me through, oh desire Land me on the shores of love My life is yours and my love is yours Adorn our steps, oh breeze Embrace us, oh stars, and take us away to be alone Cast us afar, oh love, cast us afar Promise not to ever hurt us, oh love Bring us closer together, don't push us apart And let us be happy with our loved ones And when desire takes control of us calm us down Let's keep on going just like this We were struck by love and fell asleep in its trap And only that which has ensnared us can set us free My darling, you're on my mind Oh boy, you're on my mind

كلمات أغنية جانا الهوا


كلمات أغنية جانا الهوا
lyric Arabic Music Translation: Lyric Gana el Hawa(جانا الهوى) Abdel Halim Hafez ( عبد الحليم حافظ)
lyric Arabic Music Translation: Lyric Gana el Hawa(جانا الهوى) Abdel Halim Hafez ( عبد الحليم حافظ)

جانا الهوى


جانا الهوى
جانا الهوى
جانا الهوى

كلمات أغنية جانا الهوى


جانا الهوى
كلمات أغنية جانا الهوى
كلمات أغنية جانا الهوى