Friday evening Regarding the prayer for Friday eve the Messenger of Allah s Salaat 2 for Friday It is related from Amirul Mo-mineen a
and his progeny a hundred times after Salaat-e-Asr on Friday O Allah Thou art my Lord

اللهم يادائم الفضل على البرية

O Allah forgive me, have mercy on me, make me strive in Thy way honestly, free me from the heat of burning Hell, from being consumed by the blazing fire, make less what I have to pay back, and punishment I deserve, make me be one of the choicest people for all times.

دعاء يادائم الفضل على البريه مكتوب
" GHUSL : Holy Prophet said:"O Ali! O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad
دعاء يادائم الفضل على البريه مكتوب
replied: After sunrise and before noon
دعاء يا دائم الفضل على البريه مكتوب كامل
The narrator asked the Messenger of Allah s
People must bathe [at least] once every seven days, so do Ghusl bathe every Friday, even if you have to buy the water with [the money set aside for] your provision of that day and go without food, for there is no recommended act of worship greater than it O He who forgives the transgressors
delayed asking forgiveness until dawn of Friday night O He who always bestows benefits upon the innocents

اللهم يادائم الفضل على البرية

Truly, we are the worthiest among thy creation, treat us in that context.

دعاء يا دائم الفضل على البريه مكتوب كامل
said: If one recites two rakat prayers and in each rakat after Surah Hamd recites Surah Tawheed 70 times and after the prayer recites Astaghfirullaah 70 times, then by the One Who has sent me with truth anyone who performs this act and does Isteghfar then even if he supplicates for my whole nation the Almighty would accept his supplication and would enter the whole nation in Paradise
دعاء يادائم الفضل على البريه مكتوب
There is no god save You! Give me contentment and an independent diposition
دعا بروز جمعہ
Write prescribe for me freedom from pain, trouble and anxiety, make ready for me blessings and happiness, so that what is last does not come in advance
Make me derive advantage from the power of hearing listen to and accept advise and obey , And seeing discernment, intelligence, and perception of truth ; And both of them to my inheritors children Give me an upper hand over him who intimidates me, and treat me well through Thy might and power; O Lord, and keep me in that exact state There is no God except Allah
Salaat 3 for Friday It is narrated from the Messenger of Allah s " There are two hours on Friday when Duas are answered: one is when Friday leader has completed the sermon and the worshippers are prepared for Friday prayer

دعاء يادائم الفضل على البريه مكتوب

Give out in the name of Allah as soon as the night begins.

دعا بروز جمعہ
Attend to and take care of me in the frightening hours of the Day of Judgement
دعای یا دائم الفضل علی البریه دعاي پر فضليتي مخصوص شب جمعه‏
Do not let me drown myself in hatred, nor feel resentful; keep me steadfast, within bounds, obedient, enduring
كلمات قصيدة يادائم الفضل على البرية (مكتوبة) باسم الكربلائي
We should know that all these prayers for the days of the week are narrated fromand he has quoted from his forefathers