Medicinal uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Ammodaucus leucotrichus , New World Encyclopedia, Retrieved 1-6-2020
Ethnopharmacological survey of traditional medicinal plants used for the treatment of infantile colic in Morocco A survey of medicinal plants used in traditional medicine by women and herbalists from the city of Agadir, southwest of Morocco

فوائد الكمون الصوفي للقولون

Said AAH, Derfoufi S, Sbai I, Benmoussa A.

15 نصيحة لمن يعاني من القولون العصبي
Miguel M, Bouchamaa N, Aazza S, Gaamoussi F, Lyoussi B
Idm�hand E, Msanda F, Cherifi K
فوائد الكمون الصوفي للقولون
Naima B, Abdelkrim R, Ouarda B, Salah NN, Larbi BAM
Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-acetylcholinesterase activities of eleven extracts of Moroccan plants
An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used in the Tata Province, Morocco Shahram Agah, Amir Mehdi Taleb, Reyhane Moeini, et al 10-2013 , , Middle East J Dig Dis, Issue 4, Folder 5, Page 217—222

فوائد الكمون المغلي للقولون

Shahram Agah, Amir Mehdi Taleb, Reyhane Moeini And Others 2013 , , Middle East Journal of Digestive Diseases , Issue 4, Folder 5, Page 217—222.

أضرار الكمون
Abouri M, El Mousadik A, Msanda F, Boubaker H, Saadi B, Cherifi K
فوائد الكمون للقولون مجرّبة
Es-Safi I, Mechchate H, Amaghnouje A, zahra Jawhari F, Bari A, Cerruti P, et al
أضرار الكمون للقولون
Medicinal plants used to treat acute digestive system problems in the region of Fez-Meknes in Morocco: An ethnopharmacological survey