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"There is no difference in the disease severity of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease between patients infected and not infected with Helicobacter pylori" "Pharmacological management of GERD: where does it stand now? "Pharmacological management of GERD: where does it stand now? Wileman SM, McCann S, Grant AM, Krukowski ZH, Bruce J 2010

حرقة في المعدة

Fedorak RN, Veldhuyzen van Zanten S, Bridges R July 2010.

حرقة في المعدة
"Overutilization of proton-pump inhibitors: What the clinician needs to know"
ارتجاع معدي مريئي
Ayazi S; Crookes PF; Peyre CG et al
تفاصيل المرض
Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange
"What is left of the endoscopic antireflux devices? "Updated guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease Am J Gastroenterol 103 3 : 788—97
van der Pol RJ, Smits MJ, van Wijk MP, Omari TI, Tabbers MM, Benninga MA May 2011 The New England Journal of Medicine 359 16 : 1700—7

علاج ارتجاع المرئ

Ayazi S, Hagen JA, Chan LS, DeMeester SR, Lin MW, Ayazi A, Leers JM, Oezcelik A, Banki F, Lipham JC, DeMeester TR, Crookes PF August 2009.

خلال فترة الحمل
Heidelbaugh JJ, Kim AH, Chang R, Walker PC 2012
ارتجاع المريء (لدى البالغين)
Forgacs I, Loganayagam A 2008
الى حرقان المعدة
BMJ 336 7636 : 109