Koike, Steven T; Gladders, Peter; Paulus, Albert O "Precut prepackaged lettuce: a risk for listeriosis? "Impact of Vacuum Cooling on Escherichia coli O157:H7 Infiltration into Lettuce Tissue"
; Guetta, Eli; van de Wiel, Clemens C —The ghost swift moth, Hepialus humuli L

ما هي فوائد الخس واضراره الصحية ؟

Fulmer, Melinda August 19, 2002.

Zohary, Daniel; Hopf, Maria; Weiss, Ehud 2012
الخس له تأثير مخدر و مهدئ و منوم و مزيل للكآبة مصر فايف
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
6 من أهم فوائد الخس للجسم
International Journal of Environmental Health Research
Fulmer, Melinda August 19, 2002 "Lettuce Diseases: Ecology and Control"
Database of Tracheophytes of Metropolitan France and neighbouring regions:• United States Department of Agriculture "New Directions in Salad Crops: New Forms, New Tools, and Old Philosophy"

الخس له تأثير مخدر و مهدئ و منوم و مزيل للكآبة مصر فايف

In Janick, J and Simon J.

معلومة مهمة لي تبى الحمل
US Food and Drug Administration
—The ghost swift moth, Hepialus humuli L
فوائد الخس للحامل والجنين
International Journal of Environmental Health Research
Multilingual Multiscript Plant Name Database ; Guetta, Eli; van de Wiel, Clemens C
Gajraj, Roger; Pooransingh, Shalini; Hawker, Jeremy; Olowokure, Babatunde April 2012 US Food and Drug Administration

معلومة مهمة لي تبى الحمل

Smith, Richard; Cahn, Michael; Daugovish, Oleg; Koike, Steven; Natwick, Eric; Smith, Hugh; Subbarao, Krishna; Takele, Etaferahu; Turin, Thomas.

الخس له تأثير مخدر و مهدئ و منوم و مزيل للكآبة مصر فايف
Gajraj, Roger; Pooransingh, Shalini; Hawker, Jeremy; Olowokure, Babatunde April 2012
فوائد الخس للحامل والجنين
Smith, Richard; Cahn, Michael; Daugovish, Oleg; Koike, Steven; Natwick, Eric; Smith, Hugh; Subbarao, Krishna; Takele, Etaferahu; Turin, Thomas
الخس المغلي للطفل التسنين 2021
"New Directions in Salad Crops: New Forms, New Tools, and Old Philosophy"