Atmospheric condition: partly cloudy and very hazy Horizon obstacles: about 2 Observation of Hilal Shawwal 1442 AH also conducted from Rowasiya Observatory by me
A gap in the clouds with good sky quality appeared before noon The daytime new moon was captured by mr

مركز الفلك الدولي

It took a few minutes for the moon to disappear behind the distant mountains before the actual moonset listed for Blacksburg at 9:22 pm.

الخميس أول أيام عيد الفطر بالسعودية
The sky was totally hazy
نتيجة رؤية هلال شوال 1442
The moon's horns were approximately at 3:00 and 6:30 O'clock 3:00;5:00;6:30
المراصد الفلكية بالسعودية تستعد لرؤية هلال شوال 1440 هـ
Also present the Director of PPMI Assalaam, Ustadz Uripto M
In fact, that is exactly what happened; my first binocular sighting was at 9:01 pm followed by naked eye sighting a minute later The moon at daytime was captured by mr
On today May 12, 2021 the new crescent was not

نتيجة رؤية هلال شوال 1442

Syawal 1442H new moon not sighted in Brunei today.

استطلاع هلال شوال 1442 وتحديد أول أيام عيد الفطر
By this time, all ten of us had seen the moon by naked eye
استطلاع هلال شوال 1442 وتحديد أول أيام عيد الفطر
Muhammaf Yusuf from Bosscha Observatory at Lembang Bandung West Java Indonesia
رؤية هلال شوال 1442:
The sultanate will celebrate Eid Fitri on Friday, 14 May 2021