Even the Zaynabids, the descendants of , the daughter of can also be titled Sayyid or Sharif, according to the Egyptian : 131 However, in 1632 when an Ottoman court challenged a man wearing a Sayyid 's green turban, he established that he was a Sayyid on his mother's side, which was accepted by the court
All the male descendants of the two grandsons of Muhammad are related to him in the paternal line and would carry the Y-DNA profile of Muhammad and his clan, the Hashemites Sunan Abi Dawud, book 43, Hadith 205

بنو هاشم من التكتيك إلى الأيديولوجيا

In Northern India, 29 per cent of the Shia Muslim belong to.

بنو هاشم وعبد المطلب، وأبو لهب ومصلحتك ياسيد..
2 February 2018 at the farsnews
بنو هاشم وعبد المطلب، وأبو لهب ومصلحتك ياسيد..
Until recently, his descendants Syeds-Qazis-Huqdars lived in the same locality in the center of Madurai city for over seven centuries and managed the Kazimar Big Mosque constructed by their forefather
بنو هاشم
Total affiliation as an , meaning a son of , hence neglecting any other affiliations• 16 June 2016 at the , Ethnographic and Folk Culture Society, 1988• from the original on 29 April 2017
There is a big community of Sayyids settled in and around the Nanganallur region in Chennai that trace their ancestry directly to the Sayyids of Iraq of Tabaristan through Zayd bin• 61, by Muhammad Yasin Qaswari Naqshbandi, published by Kooperatis Lahorin, Edare Talimat Naqshbandiyya• The most genuine prophetic relics are believed to be those housed in the Hirkai Serif Odasi Chamber of the Holy Mantle in 's
Testing two members of the Jordanian royal family has now made it possible to determine the Y-DNA profile of this line 185—204, :, , retrieved 4 January 2021• : 149 Female sayyids are given the titles sayyida, syeda, alawiyah or sharifa

بنو هاشم وعبد المطلب، وأبو لهب ومصلحتك ياسيد..

Notable descendants of Sayyid Ali Akbar are Sufi saints like , descendant after eleven generations; known as Hazrat Ishaan, descendant after eighteen generations; the two brothers and , maternal descendants of Hasan al Askari; ; and Sufi saints and.

لعبت هاشم بالملك فلا خبر جاء ولا وحي نزل
Their eponymous ancestor is Hashim ibn Abd Manaf, great-grandfather of Muhammad
بنو هاشم
Famous Pir Syed Mehboob Alam Naqvi-ul Bukhari Al-Maroof son of great warrior Syed Sadaruddin Shah Kabeer Naqvi saint and also chief advisor of was also born in Kannauj and spent 66yrs of his life in kannauj later moved to
بنو هاشم خارج معادلة الصدام
Even today, this group is most commonly found in the Middle East and North Africa, but also in Europe
Receiving the blessings of previous , or• Ghazi Saiyyad Salar Masud had no children He settled with his seven sons and forty champions in Ghazipur U
The Sealed Nectar Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum The heirs of Shahul Hamid Abdul Qadir badusha of who live there and are called with clan name of Sahib or Saab or Saabu are Sayyids


Iraq [ ] The Sayyid families in Iraq are so numerous that there are books written especially to list the families and connect their trees.

بنو هاشم وعبد المطلب، وأبو لهب ومصلحتك ياسيد..
History [ ] The Sayyids are by definition a branch of , which traces its lineage to , and therefore directly descends from , and collaterally descends from his paternal half-brother , the sons of [ ]
بنو تجيب
If a woman was found pregnant she was detained and imprisoned
بنو تجيب
The absolute ruler of the country retains the title with members of the royal family eligible for succession to the throne given the title , these may also use the title Sayyid should they wish to, although as Sheikh supersedes this, it is not a widely used practice