דורשי רשומות דרשו חודש זה בראשי תיבות: " שנשמע בשורות טובות" | The process of grinding is essential to digestion |
We do not recite Tachanun on that day, and it is customary on that day to partake of many types of fruits | Moreover, the sense of this month is taste |
From this it is evident that Asher represents the sense of taste and eating | קיים צמח הנקרא "שבטבט" וענפיו דומים לשבטים |
This date marks the new year for determining the age of the fruit of the tree with regard to certain agricultural halachot, such as tithing | Dissecting the coarse food substance to fine parts is necessary in order to release the sparks of Divine life force contained within the food |
We will recite the entire Tehillim as a collective group and send up our tefillot prayers to request refuah shleimah healing , shidduchim, and mazel for individuals.
A true tzadik experiences the pleasure of Shabbat the entire week in the Zohar, the tzadik is called Shabbat | |
They were also important in the ancient Hebraic belief system, because one of the Temple tithes derived from these seven foods | The time of greatest pleasure in partaking of food is on the day of Shabbat |
The value of the first two letters of Havayah, the yud and hei, which represent the higher, concealed level of unification is 15.