b5: See also 4, in two places the whiteness [of the sky] before night
Grazed after sunset or before sunrise , M, K, being originally an inf

مورد الوقبى (الوقباء) التاريخي

] A2: Also The falling of one's hair from [above] his forehead.

كتاب:الأغاني لابي الفرج الاصفهاني 42
] b2: [Hence,] assumed tropical: He died
This is the primary signification
so called because he discovers, and makes manifest, the affair in which he acts as a substitute for another person
Came at dusk, in the evening com is a hyperdictionary that holds the entire contents of all of the largest and greatest classical Arabic dictionaries, from the earliest authorities to Orientalist and contemporary works
: Msb: [therefore] the pl b2: Hence, tropical: The receptacle thereof; TA; the piece of skin in which it is put

الموسم ( 3 ) رمضان والدول العربية [الأرشيف]

b5: And He entered upon the time of dawn, or daybreak; M; or the time when the dawn became white.

قاموس معاجم: معنى و شرح إعراب جملةرجع المسافرون يحملون الأمتعة في معجم عربي عربي أو قاموس عربي عربي وأفضل قواميس اللغة العربية
[This is commonly of a round form, with a running string; so that it is converted into a bag to contain the food, at one time, and at another time is spread flat upon the ground, when persons want to eat upon it
] of a camel, a part being twisted round it, and the rest being made a rein: and sometimes it is of iron: Lth: pl
الجرح والتعديل
as meaning In the dawn]