Quality Assurance Laboratory of Qatar Steel is now accredited by TURKAK Turkish Accreditation Institution, Turkey , for Chemical and Mechanical testing of carbon steel Mohammed bin Nasser Al-Hajri expressed his appreciation for their dedication and generous support over 23 December 2019 Qatar Steel Company, the first integrated steel plant in Arabian Gulf, hold its 35th Quality Control Forum in GRAND HYATT Hotel
The humanitarian drive was held as part of enhancing the commitment of Qatar Steel and its employees towards the community

الإمارات سيل

Managers honoured a number of employees at a special ceremony held at Qatar Steel Doha Office, marking their end of service.

سيارات مستعملة وجديدة للبيع في قطر
Mohammed bin Nasser Al-Hajri, Chief Officers and Dept
سعودي سيل : سيارات جديدة و مستعملة للبيع في المملكة العربية السعودية
Mohammed bin Nasser Al-Hajri, the executive leadership team and a large number of the employees as well as 25 November 2019 Qatar Steel has been accredited with an exclusive recognition on technical competence of having testing laboratory in a bid to realize the motto of building the future
Qatar Steel

سيارات مستعملة وجديدة للبيع في قطر


الإمارات سيل
سعودي سيل : سيارات جديدة و مستعملة للبيع في المملكة العربية السعودية
Qatar Steel

حراج قطر


Qatar Steel
سعودي سيل : سيارات جديدة و مستعملة للبيع في المملكة العربية السعودية
حراج قطر