Gersh, Stephen, 1986, Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism: The Latin Tradition, 2 volumes Publications in Medieval Studies: Volume 23 , Notre Dame, Ind Marenbon, John, 2007, Medieval Philosophy: An Historical and Philosophical Introduction, London: Routledge
, 2002, The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts Volume 3: Mind and Knowledge , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , and Tweedale, Martin, 2006, Basic Issues in Medieval Philosophy: Selected Readings Presenting the Interactive Discourses among the Major Figures, 2nd edition, Peterborough, Ont

فلسفة العصور الوسطى

, 2009, An Introduction to Medieval Philosophy: Basic Concepts, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.

البلاغة في العصور الوسطى
, and Kaufmann, Walter, 2007, Medieval Philosophy, 5th edition, Philosophic Classics Volume 2 , Upper Skaddle River, N
متى بدأت العصور الوسطى؟
McGrade, Arthur Stephen, Kilcullen, John, and Kempshall, Matthew eds
معلومات عن العصور الوسطى
, 1844—64, Patrologiae cursus completus … series latina, 221 volumes, Paris: J
, 2010, The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press : University of Notre Dame Press
Pseudo- Dionysius the Areopagite, Pseudo-Dionysius: The Complete Works, Colm Luibheid, trans A site dedicated to the study of Late Scholasticism, both Catholic and Protestant 16th—17th centuries

الملك آرثر.. وأشهر فرسان العصور الوسطى بين الحقيقة والأساطير

, 1961, A History of Formal Logic.

بوابة:العصور الوسطى
, with Allhof, Fritz and Vaidya, Anand Jaiprakash, 2007, Medieval Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers
فلسفة العصور الوسطى
, with links to many other resources
كتب قاعدة بيانات الجندية في العصور الوسطى
Kretzmann, Norman, and Stump, Eleonore eds