Fat: less than 1 gram• One medium-sized fruit provides about 2 grams of fiber — half of which is soluble fiber, while the other half is insoluble , Lastly, peaches can be blended into a smoothie or gently mashed to add flavor to your water
May reduce blood sugar levels: Studies show that compounds found in peaches may help prevent high and insulin resistance in obese rats They add an unexpected touch to salsa and are also a popular ingredient in many desserts


Here are 10 surprising health benefits and uses of peaches.

فوائد الخوخ وأضراره
However, more studies in humans are needed
خوخ، طازج: اكتشفوا القيمة الغذائية والسعرات الحرارية
White peaches are sweeter, while yellow ones tend to be more tart
Peaches can be purchased canned or as well Peaches may have protective effects that help keep your
Regularly eating fruit — including peaches — may promote The fresher and riper the fruit, the more antioxidants it contains , , ,

خوخ (جنس)

Fresh and canned peaches seem to have similar amounts of vitamins and minerals — as long as canned varieties are unpeeled ,.

Peaches may offer several other health benefits
However, more studies are needed to confirm these benefits
10 Surprising Health Benefits and Uses of Peaches
Raj Keservani, Anil Sharma, Rajesh Kesharwani 2016 , , Scientifica, Folder 2016, Page 0