In addition to these global prizes,many EWC national competitions offer their own prizes Do you have an emerging startup and want to accelerate its trajectory? Keep in mind, entrepreneurial skills have a broad range of applications
Entrepreneurship Adventures is a weekly, self-paced program You will also have a chance to meet and network with peers and top investors locally and internationally



ثقافة الريادة/روح المبادرة
The Misk Global Forum brings young leaders, creators and thinkers together with established global innovators to explore, experience and experiment with ways to meet the challenge of change
برامج ريادة الأعمال ، والبحث عن أفضل برامج MSc هنا!
To learn more and apply visit
LEGO, the global toy manufacturer, was struggling, until it adopted an innovation-first mindset
Being an EWC alumni will give you access to an international community EWC is all about the entire experience — training, resources, connections, mentorship and more
Have you already found your market fit, startedgaining serious traction and have an initial round of funding secured? Plus, a chance to meet and network with peers and top investors locally and internationally Learn about their journeys and connect virtually with a community of innovators through Entrepreneurship Adventures

ثقافة الريادة/روح المبادرة

Every move is your own — and every move is an opportunity to learn more about entrepreneurship by doing, not just reading or listening.

وجدان رفضت قيود الوظيفة فانطلقت بحلمها نحو الريادة.. هنا قصة مشروعها
EWC is all about the entire experience — training, resources, connections, mentorship and more
برامج ريادة الأعمال ، والبحث عن أفضل برامج MSc هنا!
Plus, a chance to meet and network with peers and top investors locally and internationally
وجدان رفضت قيود الوظيفة فانطلقت بحلمها نحو الريادة.. هنا قصة مشروعها
Entrepreneurship Adventures is designed for people of all skill levels, educational backgrounds, and business experience