and refused to be comforted, and cried, 'Some wild beast has devoured Joseph and I shall never see him more'; and he mourned for Joseph for many years | Swahili - Al-Barwani : Wakaja na kanzu yake ina damu ya uwongo Akasema Bali nafsi zenu zimekushawishini kutenda kitendo Lakini subira ni njema; na Mwenyezi Mungu ndiye wa kuombwa msaada kwa haya mnayo yaeleza• Hearing this, the father said, "No! The Bible says, "And Jacob rent his clothes, and put sackcloth upon his loins |
And mourned for his son many days | Lafal fashabrun jamiil ini adalah mubtada sedangkan khabarnya tidak disebutkan, yaitu amri yang artinya adalah kesabaranku |
your evil souls have made this heinous act easy for you | And the Talmud says that at the sad news Jacob gave himself up to the abandonment of grief, and lay with his face to the ground |
Lalu mereka menghadap kepada ayahnya seraya berkata, "Sesungguhnya ini adalah darah Yusuf |
He is not upset in the least at hearing the sad news of his beloved son but at once gets to the bottom of the matter, and tells the envious brothers, "Your tale is false and fabricated.