Mulawwih, we Egyptians should reject the false patriotism which is based on love of an abstract place — perhaps best exemplified in the absurd plans announced yesterday for the construction of a new — for the complete, absolute and unconditional love of the people, embracing them completely, even with their faults Mulawwih was an early Islamic Arab poet who gained fame for his absolute, unqualified, and all-consuming love for Layla
After all, he was crazy


So complete was his obsession with her that people assumed he was mad, thus earning him the sobriquet in the poetic literature of Majnun the madman of Layla Majnun Layla.

شرح البيتين أمر على الديــــــار ديار ليـلى ... فالثم ذا...
The great president Sisi, for example, recently the Muslim Brotherhood of wanting to empty Egypt of its Pharaonic heritage by destroying the pyramids and destroying ancient temples
Majnun Layla’s (Qays b. Mulawwih) Lesson in Patriotism for Egypt
That is what democracy is about: letting the people govern themselves, knowing that in the long run, they will get things right
Majnun Layla’s (Qays b. Mulawwih) Lesson in Patriotism for Egypt
But, for many reasons, I doubt any one will listen to Qays b



Majnun Layla’s (Qays b. Mulawwih) Lesson in Patriotism for Egypt
شرح البيتين أمر على الديــــــار ديار ليـلى ... فالثم ذا...

أمـرُّ علـى الديـار ديـار ليلـى ^ ^ ^ أُقبـل ذا الـجـدار وذا الـجـدارًا

