3 - and God revealed to him when he reached forty years old, so about a year 610 m
5 - emigrated to them and make them call center, and the capital of their own religious state of Islam, and that was in 12 of the first spring of the first year of the Hijri year account, which approved the first July 16, 622 AD 11 - I'm Fehr and he was generous about looking for people with disabilities it well to them, and Fehr: The name of the stone on the amount of fill to stop

قصص عن التوكل على الله

It was said that the Quraish Fehr is the owner of the bin.

قصص عن الرسول قصيرة اجمل قصص من السيرة النبوية
2 - Ibn 'Abd al-Muttalib - and Shaybah Praise his name because he was born with a Shiba - but said to him, Abdul Muttalib, because his uncle Muttalib Erdfh behind him and heirs of the body of a paragraph, it was said to him: Who is this? 5 - Ibn Qusai - Zaid and his name - and the title Bgosai: for it is far from his family and his country with his mother after the death of his father
قصة قصيرة عن النبي
It was narrated from Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet peace be upon him said: "God created the universe Fjalna of well-being, the best of Qrnhm, then choose the tribes Fjalna best of tribe, then the choice of homes Fjalna of good homes, I am well-being, soul and well-being beta
قصه قصيره عن النبي
9 - I Loay Loay and minimize any, a wild bull
And harmful born Ismail agreement of all the people of descent And a prepared taken from Tmadd, if intensified and strong
12 - son of the owner And his mother prayed to God be upon him: Is it safe girl gave bin Abd Manaf bin Zahra bin bin dogs back

قصة قصيرة عن النبي بالانجليزي

What made you now happy and happy? The boy answered him: My father was killed in one of the Islamic wars, and my mother got married, so they ate my money and took me out of my house, and I had no food, drink, clothing, or house to accommodate me, and when I saw the children playing, my sorrows renewed and I cried for my misfortune.

قصص عن الرسول وزوجاته
18 - I'm harmful, and it was nice but did not see one like him, with the rule of Mothorh
قصة قصيرة عن النبي
Nadr and in the language: red gold
قصة قصيرة عن النبي
And harmful in the language: white