People were dropped on the dirt inside the fence in the coldest time of year August, 1974 without so much as a stick or a piece of string with which to build a shelter In great detail doctors at the scene during Operation Dingo in Mozambique described the true scene of Vietnam-like Fireforce tactics shifted to this other continent — thousands of followed by a chilling murder spree killing everyone: At Chindunduma Base hundreds of children had been caught by both cluster and napalm bombs while they were still on morning parade
Thus months after its coup to end colonial wars, Portugal gave up any overt military effort and quickly recognized independence of its colonies Coloureds and Indians served in two units, the Reinforcement Holding Unit and its supplementary Protection Companies, which primarily provided transport and supply


Before 1900, the following droughts are commemorated on the stone: 1417, 1616, 1707, 1746, 1790, 1800, 1811, 1830, 1842, 1868, 1892, and 1893.

A cascade of tragedy, if you will
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[…] I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency Those are the very choice words by the famous William H
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A South African sheds some light: At the time of [Unilateral Declaration of Independence] UDI national service for whites, Indians and Coloureds was four and a half months
British tactics and military aid used by the Rhodesian forces failed to maintain white power Ho Chi Minh was on a silver platter in 1945
London, Rome, Athens, and Moscow each only had around 40,000 people in the early 1500s A delegation of Etzanoans bearing round corn cakes met them on the river bank

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The story then describes how Spanish explorers from places like Corodoba population 30,000 and Seville population 60,000 decided that when they entered this peaceful city of people offering gifts…taking hostages was the right move.

When whites abruptly lost their obviously racist and wrong wars to prolong colonial white supremacist rule, they immediately set about destabilizing African countries with pseudo-operations and false flags to kill as many blacks as possible and blame it on the blacks themselves
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He was leaning not towards the Soviet Union, which at the time he told me that USSR could not assist him…they were in no position to help anyone
Mozambique, May 1977 Mozambique had been a Portuguese colony until April 1974 when widespread protests in Portugal against colonial wars precipitated a bloodless coup by the Armed Forces Movement