28th Street, 32243, Dammam, SA Saudi Arabia Gaining a valid license includes passing a required theoretical test
The applicants minimum age must be 18 Click on [View] to view all information related to your individual driving license

شعبة السير بإدارة مرور الدمام, Eastern Province

Photo of Rimal Traffic Police Department.

خدمات المرور الالكترونية
This content is available in Arabic only
حجز موعد مرور الدمام ؟ رقم مرور الدمام المجاني
The applicant must provide a file to save documents
Issuing Driving License
Address, 3786 Hakeem Ibn Hazan St, Uhud, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Perform and pass the necessary hours and requirements for all parts of the driving test, including the practical and theoretical stages This test includes blood samples, an eye test and a general check-up
These examinations can be conducted out of any governmental or private medical center associated with traffic I have neather been to Riyadh in past 7-8 months nor used my personal car to go anywhere outside Dammam and that car has been parked near Talal Street for almost 6-7 months and I have taken it for air fill once a month to the nearest fuel station only

خدمات المرور الالكترونية

If you hold a valid international or foreign license, please skip to step 5.

ادارة مرور الدمام
The applicant must provide a valid report
تقديرات المرور الدمام
This content is available in Arabic only
حجز موعد مرور الدمام ؟ رقم مرور الدمام المجاني
Given the COVID-19 pandemic, call ahead to verify hours, and remember to practice social distancing