Magnes Press, Hebrew University, 1982 p Farah The Sultan's Yemen: 19th-Century Challenges to Ottoman Rule p
150 Princeton University Press, 2012• The Northern Hegaz, A Topographical Itinerary Abdul Ali Islamic Dynasties of the Arab East: State and Civilization During the Later Medieval Times p

اليمن والسعودية.. وضريبة الارتباك

Stookey, Yemen; The Politics of the Yemen Arab Republic Boulder 1978, p.

Clive Leatherdale Britain and Saudi Arabia 1925-1939 The Imperial Oasis, 1983 p
نتيجة مباراة اليمن والسعودية اهداف اليمن ضد السعودية
Don Peretz The Middle East Today p
نتيجة مباراة اليمن والسعودية كأس العرب تحت 20 سنة
Beeston at the Arabian Seminar and other papers ; including a personal reminiscence by W
Amnon Shiloah, Music in the World of Islam: A Socio-Cultural Study p Ibn 'Arabi in the Later Islamic Tradition: The Making of a Polemical Image in Medieval Islam
An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, 1300-1914 Sarah Phillips Yemen's Democracy Experiment in Regional Perspective P

اليمن الآن

Paul Dresch A History of Modern Yemen p.

الحرب السعودية اليمنية (1934)
The History of Saudi Arabia
موعد مباراة اليمن والسعودية للشباب في كاس العرب تحت 20 سنة
Micah Zenko Between threats and war : U
اخبار اليمن الان
Abulhab DeArabizing Arabia: Tracing Western Scholarship on the History of the Arabs and Arabic Language and Script p