Kanter M, Meral I, Dede S, Gunduz H, Cemek M, Ozbek H, Uygan I 2003 Oct 18;2 1 :6 8
Potential adjuvant effects of Nigella sativa seeds to improve specific immunotherapy in allergic rhinitis patients The in vivo antifungal activity of the aqueous extract from Nigella sativa seeds

10 فوائد رائعة لزيت حبة البركة.. تعرفي عليها

Effects of Nigella sativa oil on gastric secretion and ethanol induced ulcer in rats.

خردل (نبات)
Antimicrobial effect of crude extracts of Nigella sativa on multiple antibiotics-resistant bacteria
وصفات صحية
Jayaraman, Gayatri January 4, 2012
خردل (نبات)
Oguwike N, Eluke C, Eze I And Others 2017 , , Greener Journal of Medical Sciences, Issue 4, Folder 7, Page 36-41
The anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic activity of Nigella sativa Effect of Nigella sativa on glucose concentration, lipid peroxidation, anti-oxidant defence system and liver damage in experimentally-induced diabetic rabbits
Gilani AH, Aziz N, Khurram IM, Chaudhary KS, Iqbal A El-Dakhakhny M, Barakat M, El-Halim MA, Aly SM

وصفات صحية

Lamis Kaddam, Imad Fdl-Elmula, Omer Eisawi And Others 2019 , , Korean Society of Hematology, Issue 1, Folder 54, Page 31-37.

ما هي حبوب الدخن وفوائدها الصحية؟
Chukwuma Ekeanyanwu, Obioma Njoku And Ononogbu Christopher 2010 , , Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, Issue 7, Folder 9, Page 709-715
ما هي حبوب الدخن وفوائدها الصحية؟
oil protects against induced hepatotoxicity and improves serum lipid profile in rats
كل ما ترغب في معرفته عن زراعة وإنتاج ”الذرة الشامية”
Turkdogan MK, Ozbek H, Yener Z, Tuncer I, Uygan I, Ceylan E