Playing on the Edge: Sadomasochism, Risk and Intimacy Albany: State University of New York Press
"Psychoanalysis and the Question of Violence: From Masochism to Shame" , , The Journal of Sex Research 23 Feb

زوجي سادي.. ماذا أفعل؟

"The treatment of paraphilias: An historical perspective".

معنى كلمة سادي في اللغة العربية
"The Paraphilic and Hypersexual Disorders:An Overview"
معنى و ترجمة كلمة سادية في القاموس , تعريف وبيان بالعربي
Richters, Juliet; de Visser, Richard O
معنى سادي
A Paraphilia must be distinguished from the nonpathological use of sexual fantasies, behaviors, or objects as a stimulus for sexual excitement in individuals without a paraphilia
"The ICD diagnoses of fetishism and sadomasochism" Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health
Forensic and Medico-legal Aspects of Sexual Crimes and Unusual Sexual Practices

انا سادي بالعلاقه وروحي اقري معنى كلامي

, are obligatory, result in sexual dysfunction, require participation of nonconsenting individuals, lead to legal complications, interfere with social relationships.

معني كلمة سادي
Jean-Paul Sartre, Being and Nothingness• The Journal of Sexual Medicine
انا سادي بالعلاقه وروحي اقري معنى كلامي
Details describing the development of the theoretical construct "Perversion" by Krafft-Ebing and his relation of these terms
معنى كلمة سادي
Lykke, Nina 5 April 2010