Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences radical produced from the above reactions with iron can abstract a hydrogen atom H from molecules containing an R-H bond where the R is a group attached to the rest of the molecule, in this case H, at a carbon C
"Some Precambrian banded iron-formations BIFs from around the world: Their age, geologic setting, mineralogy, metamorphism, geochemistry, and origins" Edwin Sharp; Edward Salisbury Dana 1998


2 couples with polyamines to sense weak extracellular electric fields in galvanotaxis".

Behavioral experiments, mostly with migrating passerines, revealed three characteristics of the avian magnetic compass: 1 it works spontaneously only in a narrow functional window around the intensity of the ambient magnetic field, but can adapt to other intensities, 2 it is an "inclination compass", not based on the polarity of the magnetic field, but the axial course of the field lines, and 3 it requires short-wavelength light from UV to 565 nm Green
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"The role of reactive oxygen and antioxidant species in periodontal tissue destruction" The MAK Collection for Occupational Health and Safety
Compass orientation controlled by the inclination compass 7 Suppl 2 : S163—77

فيديو السؤال: المعادلة الموزونة لأكسدة كبريتيد الحديد

Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences.

There are good reasons to believe that this visual magnetoreceptor processes compass magnetic information which is necessary for migratory orientation
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— can then be used to make more H 2O 2 by the process previously shown perpetuating the cycle, or it can react with H 2O 2 to form more hydroxyl radicals