Depending on the situation it can be used sarcastically or seriously Example: Person 1: I crashed my car today
Khalas is a very commonly used word among all dialects Slang is common and popular in every language and now you can drop some Arabic slang terms in your daily conversations to spice things up

شكو ماكو و الاجابة النموذجية عليها ..

It is usually used to tell that a certain person has good traits and acts in good faith.

شأكو ماكو؟
Example: Yallah shabaab they are waiting for us at the restaurant
شأكو ماكو؟
When it comes to the Arabic language, a wide number of slang words and phrases fall into a conversation
شكو ماكو و الاجابة النموذجية عليها ..
It can be used when you are meeting a group of friends or welcoming someone to your house
Many Arabic slang terms are common between Arabic dialects while some are more specific to a certain dialect Example: Q: What does the word silence mean? Example: Ya rayyal, I lost a match for the second time today
Example: Q: Did you see the car that just passed? To put an end to something, or to state that something has been done Example: Person 1: I had a fight with my boss today Person 2: Walaw! Person 2: Hader Take our and dive deeper into the Arabian culture and language, and have the ability to have long conversations in the language

دردشة بنوتة عشقي شات بنوتة قلبي شات بنوته العراقية شات بنوتة للجوال

It is usually used at the end of a sentence or used at a response for showing affirmation, confirmation or stating something that is obvious.

العاب شكو ماكو
We have narrowed them down to the most common terms used across the Arab region
شكو ماكو و الاجابة النموذجية عليها ..
Used in conversations where they want to show disbelief or to question something
شأكو ماكو؟
Asking someone if they are serious about what they have said or the way they have reacted