Cohen DJ, Jankovic J, Goetz CG, eds Retrieved on August 10, 2009
Television, with notable exceptions such as Oprah, has sensationalized Tourette's so badly, for so long, that it seems beyond hope that most people will ever know the more prosaic truth "Clinical course of Tourette syndrome"

أسباب ونشأة متلازمة توريت

Leckman JF, Dolnansky ES, Hardin MT, et al.

أسباب ونشأة متلازمة توريت
"Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD comorbidity: a case for "pure" Tourette syndrome? Retrieved from April 7, 2005 archive
متلامة توريت
"Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome; international registry"
متلازمة توريت (TS) ما هي؟ الأسباب والأعراض عند الكبار والأطفال
"Behavior therapy: other interventions for tic disorders"
The blame for the warped perceptions lies overwhelmingly with the video media — the Internet, movies and TV org version on December 21, 2011
Walkup JT, Mink JW, Hollenback PJ, eds Part 2: tentative explanations for differing prevalence figures in GTS, including the possible effects of psychopathology, aetiology, cultural differences, and differing phenotypes"

ما هي متلازمة توريت

Part 1: the epidemiological and prevalence studies".

متلازمة ريت
"Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, chronic tic disorder, and methylphenidate"
كل ما تود معرفته عن متلازمة توريت
Hounie AG, do Rosario-Campos MC, Diniz JB, et al
متلازمة توريت: الأسباب، الأعراض والعلاج
Germiniani FM, Miranda AP, Ferenczy P, Munhoz RP, Teive HA