Most scholars required crucifixion for highway robbery combined with murder, while others allowed execution by other methods Crime and Punishment in Islamic Law: Theory and Practice from the Sixteenth to the Twenty-First Century
Another related crime is , which is "spreading corruption on the earth", which can be applied for political crimes such as treason 296 Further reading [ ]• Try or get the SensagentBox With a , visitors to your site can access reliable information on over 5 million pages provided by Sensagent

قبائل حرب(حرابة الدول)

In other words, very similar to how it is treated in contemporary Western law.

وكالة الصحافة اليمنية
" In 2019, an Iranian Quran interpreter has called for the punishment of those protesting, based on Quran Surah 5:33
الحل: حل لغز انشدك عن رجل حرابه شطيره يدلي بفعله بس ماهو دماوي،
Student demonstrator was sentenced to death for Moharebeh in 2009, a sentence overturned by an appeals court in March 2010
حرابة : definition of حرابة and synonyms of حرابة (Arabic)
" The crime is sometimes lumped together with spreading corruption in the land , which is mentioned alongside waging "war against Allah and His Prophet" in 5:33-34
hirabah is frequently used in classical and modern books of Islamic jurisprudence g: taking up arms for terrorism and disruption of public safety article 183 , membership in groups conducting armed uprising article 186 , supporting groups planning to overthrow the government by force using weapons and explosives article 187 , accepting critical posts a Coup d'etat government
Exposure of the culprit's body after execution by another method, ascribed to "most scholars" and in particular to and ; or Hanbalis and Shafi'is " Ayatollah has reportedly sought to "rally clerics to oppose the use of moharebeh charges against political protesters

الشاعر ناجي حرابة

This was the only capital penalty permitted rulers by the in the case of murder the killer's fate was in the hands of the victim's next of kin not the judge during the early years of Islam "when enemies of the faith and political rebels often looked frighteningly similar" the crime had broader application including but was "gradually narrowed" to apply only to "highway robbery in the open county.

الشاعر ناجي حرابة
Additionally, the Zamfara penal code in effect in the North of Nigeria provides that if life and property are taken during the commission of hirabah, the penalty is
الشاعر ناجي حرابة
, an Iranian attorney and member of has argued that under Articles 86 and 89 of the Islamic Punitive Laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the accused must "either have engaged in armed confrontation or he must have been a supporter or a member of an armed group and must have committed effective [deliberate] actions on behalf of that organization
ما هو حد الحرابة في الإسلام
Al-Dasuqi, for example, a Maliki jurist, held that if a person forced a woman to have sex, his actions would be deemed committing hiraba