Laufer, Berthold, Ostrich Egg-shell Cups of Mesopotamia and the Ostrich in Ancient and Modern Times, Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 1926 Ostrich eggs held great importance among the Arabs before Islam
In this paper, I am studying Ostrich eggs on different levels, from their functional uses to their religious aspects The eggs were decorated in different ways: inscriptions, paintings and multi-level engravings on their surfaces

معلومات هامة عن تفريخ بيض النعام وطريقتة


فوائد بيض النعام ٦ أسباب ستجعلك تبحث عنه وتتناوله
I am also using historical sources which provide important information that has not yet been taken into account
فوائد بيض النعام ٦ أسباب ستجعلك تبحث عنه وتتناوله
Masoud Homayouni-Tabrizi, Ahmad Asoodeh, Mohammad-Reza Abbaszadegan, and others 20-2-2015 , , Pharmaceutical Biology , Issue 53, Folder 8, Page 1155-1162
معلومات هامة عن تفريخ بيض النعام وطريقتة
Shepeleva, and others 2018 , , Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Issue 12, Folder 10, Page 3464-3466
These decorations made them valuable gifts for Kings and Caliphs Giyos A bdikaxxorov , Natalia A
Their importance also continued after the emergence of Islam, with various uses such as hanging them in religious establishments like mosques, mosuleums or civil buildings such as houses

تربية النعام


تفسير حلم بيض النعام في المنام لابن سيرين
بيض النعام للبيع اللذيذة لإثراء نظامك الغذائي اليومي
القيمة الغذائية لبيض النعام